Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Buffalo Brand.....

Buffalo, New York is a very unique place. Though I have lived almost 2/3 of my life away from that "city on the lake" I spent the first 20 years of life, including college, in that wonderful incubator of life and was forever branded by that city. Chicken wings, beef on 'wick, Salhens hot dogs, Weber's mustard, and the Elmwood Strip have all played a huge formative role for me.

I hope this video from the Buffalo News helps you to understand why we all believe that hell will freeze over and the Bills will win the Super Bowl.

The Buffalo Brand

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


A dear and close friend of Paddy and the Wop celebrated his wedding on Saturday, August 15, 2009 and we wish Chris and his bride Kathleen the best that the world has to offer. Paddy and I could not be at the Wedding in person but we were surely there in spirit. Chris and Kathleen, we love you, and wish you a long and happy life.

An Old Irish Proverb

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.

Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.

Walk beside me and just be my friend."

Friday, August 14, 2009

A blog worth reading

An old student from my days at "Hogworth" is writing a blog that is worth reading. His name is Brian and you can link to the The Spliced Travels right from here. It offers a wonderful perspective on Asia from a western point of view. Recommended!!!