TWELVE pathetic options to choose from after the MAN closes down Nanny's (Biddy Mulligans, The Dubliner, Duffy's, Fado, Finn MacCool's, Four Green Fields, Irish Channel, Mackey's Pub -- this one sound's more Scottish than Irish -- Ireland's Four Courts, Auld Shebeen, Molly Malone's, and O'Malley's)
now what the hell happened to the Eleventh Day?
1 comment:
the eleventh day came and went doc, its history now, and who cares about that?
The important element to glean from the 12 days of christmas, especially the paddywop version, is that Christmas is shite unless you can wallow--with friends--in the gloom that rises to the surface by its juxtaposition with the joyful holiday. had nanny's closed on some muggy, lonely, washington summer day with no holiday in proximity it would have been all the worse an occasion.
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