I recall WOP urging me years ago to check out the blogosphere, but it wasn't until I destroyed my TV that I found the time to check out that world, and I have to say I find the activity much more stimulating, edifying, bizarre, and satisfying than anything on the boob-tube. For those out there not living a numbed, wasted, semi-existence in TV-land, you may wish to check out some poetry. http://www.myspace.com/thewhitehousepoets
YITS: whaddya say we make a road trip to Limerick for a wee visit to the White House with a satchel of your work in hand!
And for those who miss the session scene at Nannys: http://podcast.kilkennymusic.com/ There are some good Irish and Scottish music podcasts on ITunes as well. Have a listen to The Angus Sessions http://www.myspace.com/theangussessions or http://www.myspace.com/theangussessions if you want a taste of the Scottish Pub scene. Thistlepod with Fionna Ritchie remains among the best in Celtic music broadcasting. Temple Bar Trad is also quite good. Try a sample of Culturesluts too, if you want to sit in on just a goodchat.
Cheers for the link, hope you enjoy the podcast!
Hey - thanks for the music. I'm doing my best to get the word out that there's much more out there than Itunes and MTv.
very cool stuff on kilkennymusic and the angus sessions. its got a great atmospheric sound to it. thanks a bunch.
alright, I really would appreciate some paddywop council on a matter that has plagued me all year.
As a witness to lieing and cheating infractions incurred at hogwarts and additionally as one who "recommends" punishment for such infractions I have been completely overwhelmed by the inability of other "recommenders" to form any type of constitution towards giving peers a punishment. Additionally, as a recipient of several punishments of my own I have a first hand experience with the full cycle of justice.
What do you all feel about punishment in regard to severity, the purpose of, and whether principal should be upheld in regard to punishment? I am part of a diminishing minority who believes that circumstantial excuses for infractions only merit a small portion of leniency if any and I wonder if I am being irrational in thinking so. Please let me know.
I am wondering why the individual who is afraid to use his name (or her) will not tell us what is objectionable about what we write here. I would be most happy to engage in a real debate with you. If however you keep using explitives and refusing to idenity yourself I may be forced to delete your comments.
I think that trashing your peers on the internet is probably such a good idea. I'd never even read this blog before but now many people are talking about it. Surely you could find a better way? I don't really have an opinion on what you are saying because I wasn't there but maybe this discussion should take place behind close doors. Poor form neil.
-GBM. '07
thanks gabe for at least owning up to your opinion. the fact of the matter is that the people i "trashed" know exactly who they are, and how i feel about the way they deal with things. Its only "trashing" them if what I'm saying is false, but what I'm presenting isn't either true or false, its just my opinion, which is what this blog is all about. If anyone feels offended by what I have to say, then talk to me about it, change my opinion.
Enjoyed reading
the report - most informative thanks
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