This administration never ceases to amaze with its astounding stupidity. To force (and yes we did force it on them) an anti-ballistic missile system upon Poland just days after Russia bared its teeth, and its frustration, in Georgia displays such a c

omplete lack of understanding of both Russia and the basics of international diplomacy; well, no surprise there I guess considering Bush's track record. Shit, and Rice was even a professor of Soviet Studies! One just gapes. I'd send em all copies of Thucydides if I was convinced they even knew how to read. Jesus, let us get through the next 5 months without Bush dragging us down even further. I think the world would be much better off if W just spent the time on his 'ranch' playing cowboy.
And what was that bullshit by McCain that we're 'all Georgians now'? I doubt 5% of Americans could even find Georgia on a map let alone give a shit what happens to it. And if Bush had gotten his way last year and Georgia had been added to the NATO Alliance, we would now be treaty obliged to fight the Russians. Oh wait, that's right, the United States doesn't abide by international treaties. Phweh
If we continue to study the past to see how to navigate the future how will ever find the creative ideas that are needed to change the way human beings react to each other. The past has value and interest to us, but we cannot be ruled by it.
Jesus Christ! After such I comment I must seriously question any further historical discussion with you. No wonder we're raising population that knows nothing of the democratic tradition of its own country, let alone knows anything about the world. And further, did I say anything about being "ruled" by the past? I guess that's why Bush and his cronies never bothered to learn anything about Iraq before blowing it apart. I suppose we just should have given them all cell phines and everything would have been alright. Christ man!
Jesus Christ! After such I comment I must seriously question any further historical discussion with you. No wonder we're raising population that knows nothing of the democratic tradition of its own country, let alone knows anything about the world. And further, did I say anything about being "ruled" by the past? I guess that's why Bush and his cronies never bothered to learn anything about Iraq before blowing it apart. I suppose we just should have given them all cell phones and everything would have been alright. Christ man!
I overstated my case as I am wont to do. I believe in the past and what it has to offer us in the present. I will just not be a prisoner to it....I will learn from it and use my imagination to determine my future actions. The Bushies have no imagination...especially the President and the Sec State. Couple that will lack of knowledge and you get the presdient....couple knowledge and no imagination or courage and you get Condi Rice. Put it all together and you get a mess. We should have been working on trying to convince the Russian minorities that it was in their greater interest to remain part of Georgia rather than trying to get Georgia into NATO. But that would take imagination and a greater understanding of the history of the region than anyone seems to have.
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