Norm at Nite will open the phones to you tonight at 11:00PM to talk about the John McCain and Barak Obama appeareance at the Saddleback Church and their conversations with Rick Warren. What role should religion be playing in the presidential election or any election for that matter. Call in and let Norm and the audience know what you think. Bear with the show tonite as it will be coming to you from a new location. Norm will not have IM capability tonite. Here is link to a blog in The New Republic that gives some background on the issue.

1 comment:
I think it stinks that these guys feel the need to appear in any evangelical mega-church to be subjected to such questions as 'does evil exist?' by the likes of a charlatan as Rick Warren. Here's an excerpt from a column written in Switzerland by Patrick Etschmyer, who, I think, sums up the incredulity of most Europeans as they look to the election of arguably the most powerful person in global affairs:
The absurdity of this entire affair was best illustrated when John McCain called for coastal oil-drilling and was cheered for it by his Christian-conservative audience. For the most part, this is an audience which believes that the earth is 6,000 years old, yet it applauded plans to look for resources that exist due to the organic remnants of prehistoric organisms that took millions of years to accrue …
The fact that a future U.S. President has to suck up at this kind of a forum really gives global politics a surrealistic undertone ...
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