So I had a bit of a creepy pre-Samhain experience this morning while I was in my office. After writing that long posting last night about Cernunnos, the Horned One, Lord of the Hunt, ect., I experienced a rather strange visitation. While not exactly sure what this means, I wonder bout such connections.

Bit odd isn't it that the first time anything like this appears, and was rather intent upon getting into the Common Room at that, is on the morning after extolling the various aspects of the Stag Lord Himself? Methinks perhaps that this bodes well for a good summoning on Samhain and a particularly powerful experience (good or ill?) with Cernunnos.
Maybe he's trying to get at the to-be Hibee initiates. A sign of misforuntes to come upon those young Hogwarts students who come unprepared, like a certain little one who shares a name with the Hogwarts library.
He's also looking right at you, his mouth watering at the thought of being summoned to join us in feasting on a 45-pound lamb (head attached). If you zoom in, you can see the saliva dripping from his mouth. If you zoom even closer, you can see the carving knife held in his right hoof.
Hey, I was commenting on further photoshopping them. Fork and knife? I'll show you if you give me...10 mins...that they are in the picture.
Yeah, I forgot that his family has a library not run by a Robert E. Lee devotee. Mix up, I was tired, and it was 2:13 AM.
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