AS Hogwarts packs up the rental chairs and distributes the leftovers to the dorm, I'd like to send out a

special thanks to the folks at Nanny's who unwittingly put on the most special of this weekend's festivities. The fringe alumni association is proud to announce that attendance this year was up 300% (I'm not sure Hansen would pass that

statistic as technically accurate since last year's attendance was zero, but hell, i'm a historian not a mathematician. GOTT SEI DANK!) Friday night's festivities included Guiness, of course, Harp (for WOP), and Irish whisky all around. Unfortunately there was no b-day party in the back or crazy Californian parolees, so we had to forego with the cheeseplate option; we were sustained, however, by the good company, the craic, and the beautiful memories of Nanny-burgers and club sandwiches (for those who haven't been at Nanny's lately you'll be creatfallen to hear that the poor girl lost its stove durng the summer to be followed last month by Marie, the cook, so..umm yeah, it's just nachos now). Music was provided courtesy of Nanny's and we all swayed on our barstools to Snakehead's soulful performance. Of course there were plenty of visits to the magic urinals and Pam the Butcher even made a cameo appearance (yes, Paddy still has his earlobe).

[LEFT: YITS provides a theatrical performance during 'Go on Home British Soldiers' - Up the RA!
We raised a grand total of $74 for the Society of St. Jude, which was promply used to cover the bar bill. Included in this year's festivities was a 2am tour of Chevy Chase. We all look forward to continuing the tradition and expading the Fringe Homecoming next year (hopefully we can expand the development department so they can get right on that).

[RIGHT: Of course Mat always gets sentimental when pullingpints for alumni.]

Thanks to all of those who attended and helped to make this year's homecoming quite memorable and a smashng success. Though we failed to kickoff our capital campaign to save Nannys (we're still looking to raise a grand total of $86, but there's rumors of a certain leader of the senate pledging $15 for the cause if we make his wife chairman of the next Fringe Night), we did manageto keep YITS off the street for a night.
Special Awards Handed Out Duing the Night: YITS - traveled furthest to attend; Paddy - most scared of Pam the Butcher at any given moment; WOP - most gratuitous use of false teeth and garage doors.
[Brought to you in loving memory of this guy, who apparently is alive and doing well.]

Anyway, the tme went by too quickly and YITS is already on a flight back to Belfast as I write. Until next year my friends - maybe we can get another 300% increase in participation in 2007 (but then we might need a table).
1 comment:
56 years on the fringe is a difficult way to live....but if it weren't for the fringe the world would never change.
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