Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another Christmas....

Italian gift giving day is coming on January 6th, 2007. Hopefully the President will receive the gift of wisdom and begin to bring the boys home. Maybe the Dems will receive some balls and force him to bring them home.

Edwards for President in 2008!!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...why the hell are you jumping on the Edwards bandwagon so readily? Guess you're just another sucker for a charming smile and 'oh shucks' psuedo-southern sensibility, huh.

Anonymous said...

i beg to differ...edwards is a strong candidate in this field. he has courted labor and positioned himself to the left of hillary. he has taken back his vote for the war. lord knows there are others who don't have the courage to say they were wrong. he has tackled one of the most fundamental problems of our society that make us look like hypocrites around the world. there are too many americans who do not have access to such fundamental things like food, health care, and a good education. while i see the value in promoting these values outside our borders, don't we have a greater obligation to assist our own people. edwards is the only politician i know to give this issue the attention it deserves.

on foreign policy issues, people point to his inexperience. let me just say that this administration has had one of the most experienced foreign policy teams in US history. they haven't exactly gotten us far have they. and i would much rather edwards educate himself about foreign policy than prince bandar of saudi arabia who educated bush starting in 1997. i feel very strongly that former generals do not belong in the white house. military men are much more prone to try and take something out before it becomes a problem. oftentimes too soon.

i would like to finish this by saying that i'm not declared for edwards but he is an extremely attractive candidate for me. i await what hillary, obama, and others will do. the part that sucks is that you have to find the right campaign early, otherwise you'll be doing worthless stuff all the way until the general election.

Anonymous said...

shit - do we really want someone LEFT of Hillary?! Oh, and he took back his war vote; I thought Congress inserted the 'no-touchbacks' clause when passing that inexcusable abdication of responsibility. And yes, of course, he is 'extremely attractive' for all of us - hahah

Anonymous said...

BTW - that last comment was meant as a commentary about the media's 2-D cookie-cutter characterization of Edwards as a good-looking, charming young southerner. There was no underlying meaning directed at any of you out there. I apologize if it came off poorly.