Thine be the praises, the glory, and the honor and every blessing.
To Thee alone, Most High, do they belong and no man is worthy to mention Thee. May Thou be praised, my Lord, for brother wind, and for the air and the cloudy and the clear weather and every weather, through which to all Thy creatures Thou gives sustenance May Thou be praised, my Lord, for our sister, mother earth,who sustains us and governs, and produces various fruits with colored flowers and green plants
May Thou be praised, my Lord, for those who forgive for the sake of Thy love, and endure infirmity and tribulation
Blessed those who endure them in peace,
because by Thee, Most High, will they be crowned.
- St. Francis of Assisi
I'm going to get there I tell ya.
Take me with you...
Well - this summer man. If nothing else you could sit at base-camp and fish for trout and salmon.
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