Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Workers of the Something for Christ's Sake

Perhaps a bit of rambling here may prove good for the soul. I just finished moderating a good panel discussion on 'One-Party Rule' in China (we had two CCP members on the panel), and I came away wondering if the United States isn't a 'one-party' system: the Party of Wealth. When asked when China will adopt democracy, one of the panelists (not a Party member) shot back: "people have been living in China for 3000 years without democracy. Is it perhaps ok for them to wait a few more years....and American-style democracy is only one style of democracy....We will have democracy the Chinese way." Perhaps if George Bush and all his Democracy-crazed Trotskyites had read more of history and less futuristic Toffler bullshit the United States wouldn't be imposing it's own idealised version of government upon other states with such disastrous results. Oh well.

We took this pic in front of the building where the Communist Party of China was formed in 1922.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.