Ok - well first of all, I did make it on the flight, after, get this, learning that it didn't depart until 7:55am. Ah well, it's always good to give WOP a little practice on the 10 minute run from Hogwarts to National Airport. No here's the real rub: apparently the Commies block the display of the blog, though I think I can still post for some reason know only to the senior cadre. I'm going to need someone to e-mail me and let me know if this post gets through before I write more.
Can you believe that Paddy....I drove like Mario Andretti to get that irishman to the airport....and I didnt have to! Sounds like the Open Door Policy (Look it up) has been closed from the other side! And we worry about the "terrorists" in Iraq.
It seems all your inglorious postings about tyranny and regicide have finally gotten the better of you! I lay the blame for this entirely at Paddy's feet.
Let it not be said of the Duc de Vernon however, that he is uncharitable to those in need. I'm setting up a little encrypted proxy server for Paddywop viewers and correspondents in hostile nations, and shall post details as soon as it is ready for action.
- Le Duc
It seems that I have found a weak spot in the Communist system. It is in a small hotel in a shady section of Saigon (or Ho Chi Minh city as the commies call it). There are loopholes. Seek them out, doc.
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